NeenahPure™ - our HVAC filter media solution for clean air

In our modern world, the air we breathe indoors is often filled with pollutants, virus particles, and bacteria that threaten our health and well-being. At GESSNER, we understand the critical role that HVAC and Air Purifier filters play in safeguarding indoor air quality. That's why we've developed NeenahPure™, a superior air filter media solution designed to meet the diverse needs of today's environments.

NeenahPure™ is at the forefront of air filtration technology, offering a comprehensive portfolio that spans efficiencies from ePM10 50% to ePM1 80% as per ISO 16890 standards, and M5-F9 according to EN779:2012. Our state-of-the-art, highly charged materials boast efficiencies greater than 99.9% (KCL, 0.3µm, 5.3cm/s), ensuring that even the smallest and most harmful particles are effectively captured. Whether you're in need of pleatable or bag filter elements, NeenahPure™ has got you covered. Our filter media are meticulously engineered to provide the ultimate protection against indoor air pollutants.

At GESSNER, we recognize that each application has its unique challenges and requirements. That's why we go beyond our standard offerings to provide tailor-made solutions that perfectly align with your specific needs. From high-precision slitting that accommodates various widths and configurations, to online inspection systems, flexible media compositions, and innovative bonding technologies, we're fully equipped to meet the most demanding specifications.

Choosing NeenahPure™ means opting for an air filter media that not only delivers exceptional filtration efficiency but also prioritizes your health and safety. Our products are designed to minimize harmful fiber shedding and boast an impressive dust holding capacity (DHC), ensuring longer filter life and reduced maintenance.

In the fight against polluted indoor air, don't settle for anything less than the best. Choose NeenahPure™ by GESSNER for unparalleled air filtration performance and peace of mind. Discover how our innovative air filter media solutions can transform your indoor air quality and protect you from the invisible threats that lurk in the air.

Contact us today to learn more about NeenahPure™ and how we can tailor our solutions to meet your specific air filtration needs. Let's breathe easier, together.

Learn more about our NeenahPure™ air filter media solutions on our website here