
Issued by

Neenah Gessner GmbH

Otto-von-Steinbeis-Str. 14b
83052 Bruckmühl

Phone: +49 (0)8062 703 0

Managing Director

Christoph Stenzel

Legal Juristiction

Amtsgericht Traunstein, HRB-Nr. 15976
Tax Number: 156/115/41101
VAT Number: DE 234 452 911


Copyright and legal protection

The content of our websites, including texts, pictures, photos, charts, audio and video data, are, where not otherwise expressly stated, the exclusive property of Neenah Gessner GmbH and must not for any public or commercial purpose be copied, altered, transferred, reconstituted, interpreted or otherwise used in any way whatsoever without our prior written consent. Any violation of our copyrights or other legal rights, whether under civil or criminal law, may result in prosecution. This is especially valid in case of duplication, adaptation, translation, electronic storage, processing or passing on of contents in or to databases or other electronic media or systems. Photocopies and downloads of web pages may only be made for private personal use and not for any commercial purpose.


Legal Notices

All information given in our websites has been carefully checked and all reasonable steps are regularly taken to update it. However, no guarantee as to its completeness or accuracy can be given.The same applies to all other websites connected via hyperlinks. We hereby declare that, according to Ruling 312 O 85/98 on Liability for Links of 12th May 1998 (State Court of Hamburg), we expressly take no responsibility for any linked sites or their contents. Nor by those links is any recommendation by us implied and nor should any be inferred for their owning companies or their products. We also have no influence over whether third parties install links to our website. The existence of such links is no indication of any cooperation with such companies nor any recommendation for their offerings.Claims arising from the use of our internet offerings are excluded unless we have acted with intent or with gross negligence. Furthermore, we reserve the right to make changes or alterations to the existing information at any time.The content and structure of our websites is protected by copyright. The use of information on our websites for personal use is not objected to. The copying of information or data held on, and especially the commercial use of texts, extracts of texts or pictorial material is only permitted with the prior agreement of Neenah Gessner GmbH.

GESSNER is a brand of Mativ and combines content and material solutions of the legal entities: Neenah Gessner GmbH, Neenah Technical Materials, Inc., DelStar Technologies, Inc., SWM AMS, LLC, Conwed Plastics BV, DelStar International Ltd., and DelStar Technologies Co. LTD


Data Protection: Definition of Purpose for Data Collection, Processing or Usage

Responsible for data privacy
Dr. Karsten Kinast, LL.M., external data security officer for Neenah Gessner GmbH
KINAST Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Hohenzollernring 54
50672 Köln
+49 221 222 183 0

Customer Data:
Collection, processing or usage of data relating to individual persons is for the fulfilment of the company’s purpose; or for the initiation of business relations and information from customers.
Personnel Data:
Collection, processing or usage of data relating to individual persons belonging to our staff is for the execution and development of the respective working relationship.
Candidate Data:
Collection, processing or usage of data relating to individual candidates is for the initiation of working relationships

Relevant Groups
Customers, interested parties, own employees
Receivers, or categories of receivers, of data
Relevant employees inside the company or financial authorities, social security representatives and other institutions according to legal requirements.
Rules for the deletion of data
Due to various legal obligations, we are required to keep data and records for a certain period of time. If the data has relevance to taxation, the duration can be up to 10 years. Deletion of data occurs according to need.
Planned transfer of data to third countries
Necessary data is transferred to our mother company, Neenah Paper, Inc. in the USA. No further transfer of data to other countries occurs.