Specialized in the filtration sector, we offer a wet-laid synthetic nonwoven designed to meet the specific needs of the water filtration industry. Our expertise lies in crafting thermally bonded nonwovens, which incorporate polyester (PET) or bicomponent fibers. Our commitment to quality and innovation allows us to offer reliable solutions that contribute significantly to improving water quality and safeguarding public health.
Our synthetic wet-laid nonwoven media are engineered to provide superior filtration performance, ensuring clean and safe water. The integration of PET or bicomponent fibers adds robustness and longevity to our nonwovens, making them a preferred choice for durable and efficient water filtration systems.
Offered in both high bulk and calendered forms, our CRANEMAT™ products are designed to maximize physical performance characteristics. This includes tensile strength, tear strength, porosity, permeability, absorption, and laminate strength, making these products highly versatile in the marketplace. With grammage ranging from 17.5 gsm to 140 gsm (0.5 osy to 4.0 osy), and their uniform formation, these products cater to a wide array of market needs.
CRANEMAT™ synthetic wet-laid nonwoven as membrane casting substrates are a game-changer in the realm of Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes. These meticulously engineered, wet laid synthetic nonwovens provide a smooth, lay-flat surface that resists curling and eliminates membrane pin holes.
Every roll undergoes rigorous testing to guarantee a high level of consistency, resulting in superior adhesion and exceptional runnability. Furthermore, extended roll lengths are available to minimize changeovers and enhance production efficiency.
Historically, our CRANEMAT™ membrane casting substrates were supplied by Crane Nonwoven / Neenah Technical Materials. However, following the 2022 merger of SWM & Neenah to become Mativ, these materials have now become products under the GESSNER umbrella, a brand of Mativ.
Due to our broad technology portfolio, we manufacture a full range of products for reverse osmosis spiral wound membranes including membrane casting substrates, feed spacers, supportive outer wraps, permeate tubes and machined parts.
Alpharetta, GA, January 22, 2020 – Neenah Technical Materials, a subsidiary of Neenah Inc. (NYSE: NP) is pleased to announce an investment to increase production capacity for CRANEMAT™ to support continued strong growth in water filtration.