Reduce your product carbon footprint. Filter media with eco-friendly lignin saturation.

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Filter media with eco-friendly lignin saturation at state-of-the-art performance to reduce your product carbon footprint.


Filter media with eco-friendly lignin saturation at state-of-the-art performance to reduce your product carbon footprint.


Our lignin filter media is designed to reduce your product carbon footprint. Unlike traditional filter media, our cellulose filter media is saturated with an eco-friendly lignin-based resin, ensuring that your filter element offers best performance, while taking a step into more sustainable filtration solutions.

Lignin is a natural polymer found in the cell walls of plants, providing structural support and rigidity. In our filter media we use lignin for its sustainable properties, offering an ecofriendly alternative to replace fossil-based resins.

By adding the eco-friendly lignin saturation, we developed a more sustainable product that does not compromise on filtration performance nor on its mechanical properties. Additionally, it decreases formaldehyde emissions during the curing process.

Compared to standard media with a fossil-based resin saturation initial calculations show that the new lignin-based saturation filter media offers an improved product carbon footprint.

The lignin-based resin saturation is used in various automotive applications, including engine air intake, oil, and fuel filtration. But the application of lignin is not limited to these - any cellulose filter media which is currently using phenolic resins can seamlessly be transitioned to our lignin saturation.

Learn more about our eco-friendly lignin-based saturation for cellulose filter media on our homepage Cellulose based wet-laid material - also certified.