Customizing each of your waste water filter elements

|   Delpore™

Reprocessing waste water in industrial processes is crucial for maintaining existing resources, effectively removing pollutants and production residues, and ensuring the maintenance of process and production efficiencies.

Reprocessing waste water in industrial processes is crucial for maintaining existing resources, effectively removing pollutants and production residues, and ensuring the maintenance of process and production efficiencies.

The condition and purity of waste water after the filtration process has a huge impact on end product quality, processing efficiencies and production costs. That is why high-quality filter components are so important and have to be specifically designed to fit each individual filtration requirements.

With our filter media, pleat support, sleeves and rigid tubes for waste water filtration we provide high quality filter components being customized to your specific needs.

With our tailored filtration components we deliver a range of key benefits designed to enhance your waste water management systems:

  • Complete line of liquid media with efficiency and dirt holding options.
  • High dirt holding with industry-standard micron ratings from 1µm to 25µm.
  • Media designed for great recovery post-backwashing.
  • Pleat support starting at 4mils thickness.
  • All materials are incinerable.
  • Broad range of product composites for creating density gradient structures.
  • High-temperature options available (PA, PBT, Glass) along with HALAR

For more information about our filter media, pleat support, sleeves and rigid tubes for waste water filtration and to connect with us, visit our homepage at Filter media, pleat support, sleeves & cages for waste water. (